FATA Automation is a Proud Sponsor of the Wyandotte Roosevelt Rowing Team
Auburn Hills, MI – May 9, 2022
Rowing, sometimes called crew in the United States, is the sport of racing watercraft known as shells propelled by oars mainly on inland rivers and lakes. The races are known as regattas and is considered one of the oldest intercollegiate and Olympic sports.
When most people think of best crew teams, they envision Ivy League Schools like Princeton, Yale, Cornell and Harvard going head-to-head rowing down the Charles River in Boston. As a matter of fact, 18 Ivies were among the representatives of Team USA at the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games.
However, did you know that three team members of Team USA call places like Flushing, Ann Arbor and Detroit their hometown? And did you know that there are several Michigan high school teams that compete in crew events, including 7 based out of the Wyandotte Boat Club?
FATA Automation Plant Manager Neil Abrahamson is very familiar with the crew scene in Southeast Detroit. Neil has been booster member of the Wyandotte Roosevelt Rowing team for the last 2 years where his daughter Kylie King and Alice Santinello, a foreign exchange student from Italy that his family has sponsored this past school year, are team members.
It’s not the traditional sport that you drive to the local field or gym to play. However, it is a sport that is growing in popularity and can provide opportunities beyond high school.
“It is a fun, growing sport for both young men and ladies,” Abrahamson said. “Our crew team has 37 members and they compete all over the Midwest. The boosters are continually holding fundraisers to help provide the school with all of the rowing equipment, team tents and to keep the costs down so students who want to participate can.”
For those who want to learn more about the sport, the WBC holds summer camps for adults, youth and high school students. For more information about the Wyandotte Boat Club and their summer camps, please visit their website at https://wyandotteboatclub.com.
FATA Automation is proud to be a sponsor of the Wyandotte Roosevelt Rowing team and wishes them success as they compete in the Midwest State Championships this weekend and close out their 2021-2022 school year.